Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Casting the Shadows!

Changing yourself is not going to happen overnight. It needs hard work and determination to achieve your desired outcome or desired version of  yourself. Change is the only permanent thing in this world, you adapt to this change and live with it. In life, each of us have different personalities, you don't have to change the entire you but you  just need to improve yourself to become a better person. You always keep in mind that you will change yourself  but changing is not really applicable, improving does.  When are you going to improve your personality to live a life?  Leave the past behind, cast the shadows and live a better life. Here are easy tips to improve your personality, simple way to have a better life.

1. Know your Strengths and Weaknesses
 You of all should know your strength and weaknesses so that you'll know in which aspect you need to improve and sustain.  Be open minded on the things that you write for you have to write both the positive and negative attributes that really needs to improve.

2. Use your Strengths to overcome your weaknesses.
  The strengths that you have are not there without a purpose. You have to make you weaknesses your strength. Just try to overcome these weaknesses for you to face the future and the people around you without doubts and with confidence.

3. Be Sensitive

   Being sensitive doesn't mean that you have to be mindful of yourself only, you have to be sensitive to the situation and in dealing with other people. Bear in mind that you possess different perception in life. You have to take in to account the background story and the impact of your words to the life of the person in front of you.

4. Be Optimistic

   Always try to look ate other side of the story. Do not focus on what you have beforehand, think of the possibilities that you can do to that thing. Being optimistic does not just change your life but it also changes the perception of the people around you.

5. Socialize

   Meet new people and touch their lives. Be a person who knows how to socialize and keep up with others. Keep yourself some company to make your life worthwhile and worth living. You are not just touching their lives by your mere presence but they also touches yours.

6. Have the courage to improve yourself

Lastly, be courageous in taking risk and making your life better and worth living. There is always room for improvement and its time to start yours.

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