Monday, July 11, 2016

It's just another Manic Monday!

Monday! Monday! Monday! How I wish for you not to come, my heart really aches just by hearing your name.Oh well, kidding aside! What is new with Monday? As a student my Monday was just the ordinary day where you realized that you have tons of works to do because you just got immersed by your relaxing weekend.(-_-) When I set foot at the pavement of my school I was like " what will I do first?",yeah that is my Monday.Monday is like a bomb that shutters your blissful weekend without any notice and draws you back to the realization that you are a student and you have obligations. Well, let us talk about how my day was. My DAY was just ordinary I guess, except that I just received my new sets of uniforms which unfortunately were to big for me to wear. I don't know if the uniform was just to big or I lose weight but I do hope it was the latter. I really need that uniform for I was tired wearing my SAILORMOON uniform that I wore since I was a freshman, yeah my uniform still lives! Okay stop with the uniform thingy and talk of something else. The girls and I were actually planning a dinner and have some girl talk which I am afraid would remain a plan. That is the perks of planning things ahead of time , most of it would really just be plans and be forgotten. Oh well, I am really looking forward for that time where we can really talk our hearts out, I know you know what I mean and if you don't just deal with it.PEACE! To sum it all, my day was just really plain/ordinary and there is nothing much to talk about maybe next time I could share more. Thank you for reading <3~!

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