Friday, July 15, 2016

How Lucky I am!

Being the middle child,I seldom have this kind of picture and I'm glad I found one. They are very dear to me that I can't think of a reason of losing them until I really witness my mother at the brink of death. At that moment I realized how lucky and blessed I am for having them. They mold me to a person that I never thought I could be.Who I am today is because of them, for their love,support and patience. Although we don't bond that much I can feel their love towards me. They are the source of  the  attitudes that I possess and I don't regret having these attitudes. I even thank them for guiding me in to this path and  taught me to face any problem with perseverance and hope.I really am thankful that they are my parents and no matter what happen we will stay together and be there when each member needs a hand!

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