Friday, July 29, 2016

Penta- Bliss!

1.) I received my new sets of uniform :)
2.) I got my name plate!yehheey!!
3.) Officially a student- teacher! Ehem!
4.) I get to see the people that makes my world happy and topsy-turvy . ;D
5.) My mother is in a good condition and can already move her hand little by little. Thank you Lord!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Authoritative yet Friendly!

I can't really decipher what kind of parent I would become. With my attitude, I can say that I am a parent who is strict. Strict is fine with me but I want it to be strict but open, open to a conversation with my child and open with information that they need to know. I want to establish an authoritative yet friendly kind of relationship. A relationship where my future children would really listen to me and would open up to me no matter what the topic is, be it on love, school, decision making, etc. I want to be a mother and a best friend at the same time, in that matter I can really guide them and to avoid them from keeping secrets from me. :D

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Home Sweet Home!

A house is something that anyone would have. If by any chance I can build one of my own, I want it to be just the average size not too big nor too small. Probably a 2 story house, I really have this fascination of having a staircase with a slide attached in it. :D I just want it to be cozy where all my family can really eat together and have fun. I just want it to be place where I can really call HOME!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

When the Right One comes

I don't need someone who is perfect, I just need someone who perfectly accepts my imperfections. Someone who is there for me in my downfall and encourages me to stand again. A man who doesn't easily give up on me, bears my mood swings and endures my tantrums and still wears a smile.Someone who really loves me and whom I really love in return. A man who really accepts me for who I really am. I don't need someone like Romeo that would die just for me but I want someone like Tobias Eaton( Four, Divergent Series) who would fight with me in a battle hand in hand. :) <3

Monday, July 25, 2016

FACTS you need to know!

1.)I am family-oriented
2.) Middle child in the family
3.) My family is my priority
4.) I love my niece so much
5.)  I don't want to disappoint my parents
6.) A reliable friend
7.) I choose my friends
8.)I have a soft heart for old people
9.) I love sweets
10.) A movie addict
11.) I like to cook
12.) I have a collection of pocketbook
13.) I really hate frogs and beetles
14.) I really like to have a Siberian Husky
15.) With authoritative voice
16.)I am strict (that's what they say)
17.) Blue is my favorite color
18.) I'm not used of being lectured (scolded)
19.) I hate men who stand by at night (tambay)
20.) In a relationship for 3 years and still counting :D

Friday, July 22, 2016

Pure Bliss!

Parents, friends, desserts, movies, sneakers, my niece and the memories that I've had really leaves a smile at my face! :)

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Love, Respect and Trust!

We are diverse in attitude and perception in life but we have the same blood and in one family. Amidst our diversity we still manage to be together and live a harmonious life even though there are struggles along the way. Love, Respect and Trust keeps us together and binds us as one. Love for each member, Respect each differences, and  Trust their own decisions.I cannot measure the love, respect and trust they've given but I do sure can feel it! :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Megastar, Megamom!

Megastar, it really suits her personality and achievements in life. I really admired her for her talents, how she rear her child, a wonderful wife and a magnificent actress. Her talents in acting and singing really engrave her name in the industry. Her being an actress is not a hindrance for her to be a mom and a wife. She really balanced her time with her family and her passion. It would be awesome to meet her someday!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Food Haven!

Every time we eat out, we always end up in this place. The ambiance is really homey,  you could even study here and have some snacks while your up to something. Their foods are superb, their desserts are remarkable and the atmosphere is really cozy. The Bean or Scoobys is really a nice place that offers mouth-watering edibles! :D

Monday, July 18, 2016

I want this!

We do have dogs actually we have 4 dogs at home. I really have a fascination with this breed: SIBERIAN HUSKY! I really love it's wolf-like features and its eyes most especially. Since I was in high school I really wish of having this dog even though it is not a dog of this weather. If I were given a chance to raise this dog it would really be my honor and if the weather really hinders me from having this  I think I will just have an ALASKAN MALAMUTE!  If you are willing to give me dog with this breed (SIBERIAN HUSKY or ALASKAN MALAMUTE ) , I would really owe you a big one!

Friday, July 15, 2016

How Lucky I am!

Being the middle child,I seldom have this kind of picture and I'm glad I found one. They are very dear to me that I can't think of a reason of losing them until I really witness my mother at the brink of death. At that moment I realized how lucky and blessed I am for having them. They mold me to a person that I never thought I could be.Who I am today is because of them, for their love,support and patience. Although we don't bond that much I can feel their love towards me. They are the source of  the  attitudes that I possess and I don't regret having these attitudes. I even thank them for guiding me in to this path and  taught me to face any problem with perseverance and hope.I really am thankful that they are my parents and no matter what happen we will stay together and be there when each member needs a hand!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Partners in Crime!

I never thought that we would end up like this :D We have different perceptions, fashion sense, and humor but still we ended up as a group. They are my best friends for when I am with them, they did not mind my strictness and even draws out the worst in me. They have witness the crazy things I do while others do not. They really know when and where they can draw the craziness out of me and when to shut up when I had enough of things. Having them in my life really makes me explode and happy at the same time. We would always stick together and had each others back! Strangers would think I'm quiet. Friends think I'm strict but my best friends know that I'm completely INSANE!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


As the saying goes " Simplicity is beauty". Wearing a plain tee and simple pants would best show what you are and what you want to be. This is my usual get up and I am really comfortable with it. Every time I dress like this  I feel untouchable and unnoticed, which is good for my part for I don’t want to be the center of attention. It seems like I am invincible! :D 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Heavenly Delights!

Yum! Yum! Yum! These foods would really render me craving for more. The Chocolate waffle and Double Choco Chip shake really are mouth-watering. Every time I had a work done I would really treat myself some sweets as a reward for a job well done. I am the type of person who had a sweet tooth and these desserts were just part of my list. :D Every time I went to THE BEAN, I would definitely make room for these, they are really my favourite and it gives me satisfaction as it melts in my mouth, Ohhh how I really love that feeling! Don’t you? The whip cream really compliments the waffle and the shake, it makes it more delicious and festive in my eyes. I choose these desserts because of 3 reasons. (1) base on the presentation, it is really catchy and mouth- watering  (2) the ingredients used really compliments and produced a luscious pastry (3) it really is delectable that you would want  eat it daily. Although it is a bit expensive I can say that you really get what you paid for. For those who really love to eat desserts I would implore you try these delights and for those who don’t , well there is always room for a first time! 

Monday, July 11, 2016

It's just another Manic Monday!

Monday! Monday! Monday! How I wish for you not to come, my heart really aches just by hearing your name.Oh well, kidding aside! What is new with Monday? As a student my Monday was just the ordinary day where you realized that you have tons of works to do because you just got immersed by your relaxing weekend.(-_-) When I set foot at the pavement of my school I was like " what will I do first?",yeah that is my Monday.Monday is like a bomb that shutters your blissful weekend without any notice and draws you back to the realization that you are a student and you have obligations. Well, let us talk about how my day was. My DAY was just ordinary I guess, except that I just received my new sets of uniforms which unfortunately were to big for me to wear. I don't know if the uniform was just to big or I lose weight but I do hope it was the latter. I really need that uniform for I was tired wearing my SAILORMOON uniform that I wore since I was a freshman, yeah my uniform still lives! Okay stop with the uniform thingy and talk of something else. The girls and I were actually planning a dinner and have some girl talk which I am afraid would remain a plan. That is the perks of planning things ahead of time , most of it would really just be plans and be forgotten. Oh well, I am really looking forward for that time where we can really talk our hearts out, I know you know what I mean and if you don't just deal with it.PEACE! To sum it all, my day was just really plain/ordinary and there is nothing much to talk about maybe next time I could share more. Thank you for reading <3~!