How pleasant it is to read a poem once in a while. Poems convey emotions and situations in a beautiful way. Poems are actually my favorite genre, it has its own style and contains grandeur it its words. So, here are 25 poems that inspires me and keeps me on going forward.
1.Desiderata by Max Ehrmann
2. Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
3. I Wandered Lonely as A Cloud by William Wordsworth
4. Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe
5. The Look by Sara Teasdale
6. To my Dear and Loving Husband by Anne Bradstreet
7. The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
8. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love by Christopher Marlowe
9. The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd by Sir Walter Raleigh
10. Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley
11. A Poison Tree by William Blake
12. If you Forget Me by Pablo Neruda
13. Success is counted Sweetest by Emily Dickinson
14.If by Rudyard Kipling
15. I Cannot Live with you by Emily Dickinson
16. The Bells by Edgar Allan Poe
17.Huswifery by Edward Taylor
18. Caged Bird by Maya Angelou
19. Life by Sir Walter Raleigh
20. Serenade by Edgar Allan Poe
21. Lenore by Edgar Allan Poe
22. The Goblet of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
23.To Be or Not to Be by William Shakespeare
24.The Kiss by Sara Teasdale
25.Love's Secret by William Blake
What is a kaleidoscope for a dear like you? :)Kaleidoscope is like life. It was filled with different patterns and different mixture of many things. Every turn is a new pattern so does life. Every corner/ road there is a pattern may it be for the worst or for the best.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Gratitude is a result of something pleasant in your life. Being thankful and appreciative are some ways of showing gratitude to someone. Aside from the aforementioned, here are some ways to show your gratitude to someone.
1. Send a letter- although your penmanship is not that nice, at least you make an effort in making the letter. Penmanship is not important, the content of the letter is.
2. Offer a hug - although it is not needed, try to offer a hug. Hug in a appropriate time and place, for some hugging could mean something.
3. BE there - be there when he/she needs you. Offer your help without being asked, extend your hand first and go thought it together.
4. Do a favor- do something for him/her without expecting something from that person in return.
5. Be an active listener - listen to him/her and show that you really care about what he/she is saying.
6. Give a little gift - it doesn't need to be a fancy and expensive one, it just have to came from your heart.
7. Give compliments - it is not really necessary but it is good to offer compliment once in a while.
8. Tell them their importance - tell them in your own mouth how they mean to you and how you aprreciate their presence.
9. BE a confidant - be a friend that is always there and would understand her/him.
10. Give a heartwarming smile - smiling is the least we could do, at least a smile can assure him/her that everything would be all right.
1. Send a letter- although your penmanship is not that nice, at least you make an effort in making the letter. Penmanship is not important, the content of the letter is.
2. Offer a hug - although it is not needed, try to offer a hug. Hug in a appropriate time and place, for some hugging could mean something.
3. BE there - be there when he/she needs you. Offer your help without being asked, extend your hand first and go thought it together.
4. Do a favor- do something for him/her without expecting something from that person in return.
5. Be an active listener - listen to him/her and show that you really care about what he/she is saying.
6. Give a little gift - it doesn't need to be a fancy and expensive one, it just have to came from your heart.
7. Give compliments - it is not really necessary but it is good to offer compliment once in a while.
8. Tell them their importance - tell them in your own mouth how they mean to you and how you aprreciate their presence.
9. BE a confidant - be a friend that is always there and would understand her/him.
10. Give a heartwarming smile - smiling is the least we could do, at least a smile can assure him/her that everything would be all right.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Work Comfortably!
In this generation, money is really a necessity. A stable job would not suffice the finances that we make. We are always looking for alternatives to have a progression in our monthly income. The problem would be, it would be tiring for you to have 2 - 3 jobs at time and go to your workplace one at a time. What if you work at your workplace and still work at home? I'm not referring to household chores but work that would give you extra income. So these are ways to make money at home.
1. Go into Online Tutoring - if you are good in dealing with people and had a knowledge in any subject, then use it!
2. Sell Handicrafts - if you are creative enough and had a skill in making things, use your talent!
3. Dispatch your unused books - If you are a person who love to read, share your books and let them rent it or sell it.
4. Freelance writer - if you are a person with wide range of imagination, this could be your forte, write and earn.
5. Home Daycare - if you really like children, you can use it as your advantage. Use your home as daycare, you earn money and stay home as well.
6. Online selling - if you have too much stuffs lurking at your place, sell them through social media. Convenient and comfortable at the same time.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Loving be like...
Love is a give and take relationship. I mean, we all have or loved ones and people who loved us but how do we show that we really love a person? Saying I Love You is just one way of showing your affection. There multiple ways of expressing your love to someone. As a woman who loved dearly, I can offer some ways to young adult out there to show their love to their special someone.
--- Show Concern about him/ her
--- Put an effort in everthing just to be with her/him
--- Take an ample of time to listen
--- Support him/her in anything he/she likes
--- Be a good company
--- Give her/him time to grow ( let him/her sort some things on his/her own)
--- Designate time for him/her ( the moment where it's just the two of you)
--- Embrace his/her flaws (nobody's perfect)
--- Tell your feelings truthfully and sincerely
--- Be the person who is always there for him/her
--- Include him/her in decision making ( it would let him/her special)
--- Look at him/her with ardor in your eyes
--- Give her/him time to grow ( let him/her sort some things on his/her own)
--- Designate time for him/her ( the moment where it's just the two of you)
--- Embrace his/her flaws (nobody's perfect)
--- Tell your feelings truthfully and sincerely
--- Be the person who is always there for him/her
--- Include him/her in decision making ( it would let him/her special)
--- Look at him/her with ardor in your eyes
--- Lower your pride to settle things ( pride can't get the both of you anywhere)
---Show affection like saying I Love You and stuff ( spill it up, say things like it is the last)
--- Above all, RESPECT HIM/HER! ( an essential foundation of a relationship)
---Show affection like saying I Love You and stuff ( spill it up, say things like it is the last)
--- Above all, RESPECT HIM/HER! ( an essential foundation of a relationship)
Monday, September 19, 2016
Fated to be!
Love, what a nice word to hear. Everyone is longing to love and be loved. Saying he/she loves you does not guarantee that he/she really loved you. What are your basis to really declare that you are really loved? As a woman being in a relationship, I can say that these are the ways to know that you are really loved and these are based on my experience .
# Shows Concern about you
# Puts an effort just to be with you
# A good listener
# Supports you
# A good company
# Gives time for you to grow
# Designates a time for you
# Embraces your flaws
# Tells his feelings truthfully
# Always there for you
# Includes you in decision making
# Looks at you with ardor in his/her eyes
# Lowers his/her pride to settle things
# Show affection like saying I Love You and stuff
# Above all, RESPECTS YOU!
Friday, September 16, 2016
Level Up!
As an individual, we are bound to learn more than one language which is useful in our life. As a Filipino, we are a multilingual race where we speak two or more languages. Learning a new language does not require much of your pocket but of your time. gives us 10 tips in learning a new language and they are the following :
1. Make realistic, specific goals
You have decided to learn another language. Now what? On our recent live chat our panellists first piece of advice was to ask yourself: what do you want to achieve and by when? Donavan Whyte, vice president of enterprise and education at Rosetta Stone, says: “Language learning is best when broken down into manageable goals that are achievable over a few months. This is far more motivating and realistic.”
You might be feeling wildly optimistic when you start but aiming to be fluent is not necessarily the best idea. Phil McGowan, director at Verbmaps, recommends making these goals tangible and specific: “Why not set yourself a target of being able to read a newspaper article in the target language without having to look up any words in the dictionary?”
2. Remind yourself why you are learning
It might sound obvious, but recognising exactly why you want to learn a language is really important. Alex Rawlings, a language teacher now learning his 13th language, says: “Motivation is usually the first thing to go, especially among students who are teaching themselves.” To keep the momentum going he suggests writing down 10 reasons you are learning a language and sticking it to the front of the file you are using: “I turn to these in times of self-doubt.”
3. Focus on exactly what you want to learn
Often the discussion around how to learn a language slides into a debate about so-called traditional v tech approaches. For Aaron Ralby, director of Linguisticator, this debate misses the point: “The question is not so much about online v offline or app v book. Rather it should be how can we assemble the necessary elements of language for a particular objective, present them in a user-friendly way, and provide a means for students to understand those elements.”
When signing up to a particular method or approach, think about the substance behind the style or technology. “Ultimately,” he says, “the learning takes place inside you rather that outside, regardless of whether it’s a computer or book or a teacher in front of you.”
4. Read for pleasure
For many of our panellists, reading was not only great for making progress, but one of the most rewarding aspects of the learning experience. Alex Rawlings explains that reading for pleasure “exposes you to all sorts of vocabulary that you won’t find in day-to-day life, and normalises otherwise baffling and complicated grammatical structures. The first book you ever finish in a foreign languages is a monumental achievement that you’ll remember for a long time.”
5. Learn vocabulary in context
Memorising lists of vocabulary can be challenging, not to mention potentially dull. Ed Cooke, co-founder and chief executive of Memrise, believes that association is key to retaining new words: “A great way to build vocabulary is to make sure the lists you’re learning come from situations or texts that you have experienced yourself, so that the content is always relevant and connects to background experience.”
6. Ignore the myths: age is just a number
You are a monolingual adult: have you missed the language boat? Ralby argues “a key language myth is that it’s harder as an adult”. Adults and children may learn in different ways but that shouldn’t deter you from committing to learning another language. “Languages are simultaneously organic and systematic. As children we learn languages organically and instinctively; as adults we can learn them systematically.”
If you’re still not convinced of your chances, Ralby suggests drawing inspiration from early philologists and founders of linguistics who “learned dozens of languages to encyclopaedic levels as adults”.
Speaking your first language may be second nature, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you understand it well. Kerstin Hammes, editor of the Fluent Language Blog, believes you can’t make good progress in a second language until you understand your own. “I think understanding your native language and just generally how language works is so essential before you launch yourself at a bunch of foreign phrases.”7. Do some revision of your native language
8. Don’t underestimate the importance of translation
Different approaches may be necessary at different stages of the learning process. Once you have reached a certain level of proficiency and can say quite a bit, fairly accurately, Rebecca Braun, senior lecturer in German studies at Lancaster University, says it is typical to feel a slowing down in progress. “Translation,” she says, “is such an important exercise for helping you get over a certain plateau that you will reach as a language learner ... Translation exercises don’t allow you to paraphrase and force the learner on to the next level.”.
9. Beware of fluency
Many of the panellists were cautious of the F-word. Hammes argues not only is it difficult to define what fluency is, but “as a goal it is so much bigger than it deserves to be. Language learning never stops because it’s culture learning, personal growth and endless improvement. I believe that this is where learners go wrong”.
10. Go to where the language is spoken
It may not be an option for everyone but Braun reminds us that “if you are serious about learning the language and getting direct pleasure from what you have learned, you need to go to where that language is spoken”.
Travel and living abroad can complement learning in the classroom: “The books and verb charts may be the easiest way to ensure you expose yourself to the language at home, but the people and the culture will far outclass them once you get to the country where your language is spoken.”
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Keep your Guards up!
In this fast and changing world, everything is bound to happen. Everything is at risk even your life. We cannot guarantee our safety at anywhere we go, thus we should equip ourselves with self- defense and going on a training would entail money and time. Students and other profession who deposits their time as their income would ran out of time for this training. So, here are the rips for self -defense that you could actually do. stated 10 best tips to self - defense.
1. Stay Calm
Many victims end up being robbed, assaulted, or maimed because they gave in to fear. When you are afraid, you will be either slow to act or unable to act at all. So, it is very important that you keep your composure by not being afraid. Even when you are afraid (which is the case most of the time), never show it. Rather, show your attacker that you are fierce as well. This will send a warning signal and instill some fear in him.
2. Keep Close
Whenever you are trying to defend yourself, keep very close to your attacker. If you are too close to him, he will find it hard to hit you. In fact, you should cling tightly to him if possible, and you would render him harmless.
3. Hit First
Nothing can destabilize you faster during a self-defense struggle than being hit first. Similarly, nothing can boost your confidence faster than hitting your opponent first. So, act fast and attack first. If you are able to land the first blow on your attacker, then the door of escape will open widely for you.
1. Stay Calm
Many victims end up being robbed, assaulted, or maimed because they gave in to fear. When you are afraid, you will be either slow to act or unable to act at all. So, it is very important that you keep your composure by not being afraid. Even when you are afraid (which is the case most of the time), never show it. Rather, show your attacker that you are fierce as well. This will send a warning signal and instill some fear in him.
2. Keep Close
Whenever you are trying to defend yourself, keep very close to your attacker. If you are too close to him, he will find it hard to hit you. In fact, you should cling tightly to him if possible, and you would render him harmless.
3. Hit First
Nothing can destabilize you faster during a self-defense struggle than being hit first. Similarly, nothing can boost your confidence faster than hitting your opponent first. So, act fast and attack first. If you are able to land the first blow on your attacker, then the door of escape will open widely for you.
4. Hit where it hurts
In order to weaken your attacker with just one or two punches or kicks, target those punches at parts of his body where he will really feel the pain. Most of the time people will protect their faces during a fight. So, don’t attempt hitting your attacker on the face, as your chances of succeeding at this are very slim. Instead, target areas such the groin, the throat, and the thigh. If your attacker’s footwear isn’t protective, a sudden trample on his toes is another great idea.
5. Protect yourself with your hands
As stated earlier, receiving the first hit during a fight can destabilize you – especially if it lands on a place where it hurts very badly. Always be watchful of every move your attacker might want to make. Chances are that he wants to hit you at the weak points listed above. (Of course, since you are aiming at hitting him at those weak points, why not expect that he’s aiming at the same? So, keep your hands close to those weak areas to block any coming punches.
6. Push him to the ground
Gaining balance is not easy after being knocked off to the ground. So, always try to push your attacker to the ground, as this will give you ample chance to escape. However, if the door to escape opens, even when you have not yet pushed him to the ground, run away from that scene immediately.
7. Don’t ever try to win
Remember that you are not in a fight, and there is no price for the winner. Put up just enough fight to help you escape from the attack, and leave the scene once you have the chance. Don’t try to show additional skills; save those for another time.
8. If you get hit, bounce back immediately
Sometimes, your attacker may be faster, and you would receive the first blow. Don’t waste time gazing at the hit spot (to check whether there is a cut) or wriggling in pain. Strive to bounce back immediately. This will send the message to your attacker that you are not giving in easily, and that you are ready for him. (Again, I know it’s easier said than done.)
9. Don’t try to act a movie
Trying hard to repeat a move by Jackie Chan could be dangerous. Of course, thoughts of those movie scenes may come to your mind when you are attacked, never waste time on trying to repeat them. If you do, you will give your attacker enough time to hit you. When you are attacked, face this reality: the assailant will not position himself in such a way as to allow you to perfect your move. So, just hit anyhow. But hit well, and hit the weak points.
10. Don’t struggle when it could be fatal
When you are attacked, check if the assailant has a gun or some other dangerous weapon. If he does, well, you should submit to his orders, as struggling with him could cost you your life. Never make a move unless you are very confident that you can disarm him. Similarly, if you are attacked by a gang, most of the time you will be overpowered easily if you try to struggle. So, submit to whatever they want – to save your life.
In conclusion, I want you to always remember that the main objective of self-defense is to save your life. If struggling against your attacker will only help you lose it, don’t ever make an attempt at struggling.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Casting the Shadows!
Changing yourself is not going to happen overnight. It needs hard work and determination to achieve your desired outcome or desired version of yourself. Change is the only permanent thing in this world, you adapt to this change and live with it. In life, each of us have different personalities, you don't have to change the entire you but you just need to improve yourself to become a better person. You always keep in mind that you will change yourself but changing is not really applicable, improving does. When are you going to improve your personality to live a life? Leave the past behind, cast the shadows and live a better life. Here are easy tips to improve your personality, simple way to have a better life.
1. Know your Strengths and Weaknesses
You of all should know your strength and weaknesses so that you'll know in which aspect you need to improve and sustain. Be open minded on the things that you write for you have to write both the positive and negative attributes that really needs to improve.
2. Use your Strengths to overcome your weaknesses.
The strengths that you have are not there without a purpose. You have to make you weaknesses your strength. Just try to overcome these weaknesses for you to face the future and the people around you without doubts and with confidence.
3. Be Sensitive
Being sensitive doesn't mean that you have to be mindful of yourself only, you have to be sensitive to the situation and in dealing with other people. Bear in mind that you possess different perception in life. You have to take in to account the background story and the impact of your words to the life of the person in front of you.
4. Be Optimistic
Always try to look ate other side of the story. Do not focus on what you have beforehand, think of the possibilities that you can do to that thing. Being optimistic does not just change your life but it also changes the perception of the people around you.
5. Socialize
Meet new people and touch their lives. Be a person who knows how to socialize and keep up with others. Keep yourself some company to make your life worthwhile and worth living. You are not just touching their lives by your mere presence but they also touches yours.
6. Have the courage to improve yourself
Lastly, be courageous in taking risk and making your life better and worth living. There is always room for improvement and its time to start yours.
Live, Love and BE FIT!
To those gals out there who lose their confidence and judged by people base on your physical appearance, ignore them and let them feel their insecurities cover their whole body. Ladies, maintaining a healthy and perfect body is not easy. We all have our different features and specialties. Scratch the idea of die, instead live a healthy life. Here are some tips that would help you improve your health and fitness.
Hydrate yourself with water and not on sodas. Drink a glass of water after waking up, it is also a way in losing your weight. It also improves your metabolism.
1. Drink plenty of water
2. Eat your Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Make sure that your breakfast is nutritious and please don't settle with canned goods. Make an effort in your meal to achieve a healthy lifestyle and a body.
3. Eat healthy
Pleas do eat vegetables and avoid meat. It is good to eat meat once in a while but eat more of vegetables. Vegetables have many benefits and gives you a glowing look.
4. Delay Desserts
I know it is hard to resist these sweets but the calories it contain , I think you don't wanna know. If your goal is to lose weight, start by avoiding desserts and sweets instead have a dessert alternative like a whole wheat cookie that doesn't destroy your figure.
5. Have enough Sleep
Sleep on the right time and avoid activities that would render you wide awake all night. Sleep is essential in our body, it restores energy and keep you healthy as well.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Tips for Traveling in Restriction!
Everyone wants to travel , I mean who doesn't? WE all have the urge to travel but the big question would be "Where would we get the money for the expenses?" IT is expected that when you travel , you spend more that want you've expect. So to those who want to travel with a thin line of money,here are the tips that you should follow.
Everything gets more expensive the longer you wait – airplane tickets, hotel reservations, not to mention all the early bird deals you miss out on for cruises and other travel packages. So plot out your destinations early and start scouting the deals as early as possible.
Some airlines charge extra when you check a bag. Either stick to the ones that allow passengers their first checked bag free, or leave the bulky suitcase at home. If you’re planning on visiting a few different locations, this will be easier in the long run, as large luggage can be cumbersome.
1. Plan Ahead
Everything gets more expensive the longer you wait – airplane tickets, hotel reservations, not to mention all the early bird deals you miss out on for cruises and other travel packages. So plot out your destinations early and start scouting the deals as early as possible.
2. Travel Off- Peak
Whether you’re buying trans-continental plane tickets or booking seats on a train for a weekend getaway, sticking to off-peak times can seriously cut cost. If you can, try planning your trip during an off-peak season to save big. Peak times can vary depending on your destination, but typically major holidays and spring and summer breaks are good times to avoid.
3. Avoid having too many baggage
Some airlines charge extra when you check a bag. Either stick to the ones that allow passengers their first checked bag free, or leave the bulky suitcase at home. If you’re planning on visiting a few different locations, this will be easier in the long run, as large luggage can be cumbersome.
4. Choose a Hotel Alternative
Sure, the little bars of soap and fresh white sheets are nice, but the luxury can pack on hundreds of extra money depending on where you stay. There are a variety of other options available to travelers, ranging from hostels , which allows travelers to rent rooms or apartments from locals, where you can find a spare couch or bed to crash on in each city you visit.
5. Avoid Dining Out
Beachside restaurants are great, but can easily add an extra money to a night out (especially if you’re treating your family.) Instead, stock up on groceries and cook a nice meal you can bring to the beach. Breakfast, especially, is easy to make wherever you’re staying (in some establishments it’s complimentary.) For lunch, toss a sandwich in your bag. Not only will it save money, but you won’t have to derail your day by stopping at a cafĂ©.
6. Skip the Souvenir
Shot glasses and t-shirts are cute and fun, but they add tons of unnecessary costs (not to mention weight to your suitcase). If you want to remember a location, snap a picture with your phone. And if you want to bring something back for friends and family, try something simple and quirky, like a coaster from a bar or a shell off a beach – only at the places that allow you to take, of course.
7. See what's free
Shot glasses and t-shirts are cute and fun, but they add tons of unnecessary costs (not to mention weight to your suitcase). If you want to remember a location, snap a picture with your phone. And if you want to bring something back for friends and family, try something simple and quirky, like a coaster from a bar or a shell off a beach – only at the places that allow you to take, of course.
8. Check out the discounts
Some establishments offer great deals that range from tours to spa days to great discounts on merchandise. If you are planning to hit a hot destination during your stay, be sure to browse some discount sites first to see how you might be able to save.
9. Bring your own Bottle
Like food, drinks can seriously pad your nightly bill. If you’re planning for a couple nights on the town during your trip, opt for buying yourself a nice bottle of wine or whiskey over a bunch of expensive drinks at a bar. If you want to experience the pub scene, stick to pints, as they’re often the cheapest alternative, or see if the bar has a nightly drink special..
Friday, September 9, 2016
Ambrosial Cuisine!
Being a food lover, I want to cook and eat these mouth-watering dishes. Yum!yum!yum!
1. Lasagna
2. Carbonara
3. Mac n' Cheese
4. Smores
5. Embutido
6. Leche Flan
7. Black Sambo
8. Mango Float
9. Ice Cream Cake
10. Oreo Float
11. Pizza Puff
12. Nutella Pancake
13. Buko Pie
14. Siomai
15. Pastel
16. Caramel Tart
17. Empanada
18. Window Cathedral
19. Torta
20. Pastillas
21. Silvanas
22. Chocolate Mousse
23. Triple Chocolate Cheesecake
24. Snickers Frappucino
25. Humba
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